Video Library
Get What You Want!
An exploration into our deepest desires and how we can manifest them. Time honored practices to discover more peace, connection, love, and vitality in our lives and in our relationships.
The Book of Joy : 8 - Envy & Jealosy
Exploring the world of Envy and Jealousy. What a world it is, with its ability to derail our earnest intentions of enlightenment and grace without warning! While envy/jealousy is a natural human response, part of our egoic survival mechanism, and thus worthy of compassion, it is our greatest hinderance to unconditional love, and hence a formidable obstacle to our freedom and liberation. Livestreamed: 1/24/25
Hatha Yoga & Meditation
Nice practice to nurture the body. Self care; taking care of ourselves during the second-half of the season of darkness. Being ok with being alone, and gleaning its gifts. Livestreamed: 1/21/25
Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
Gently walking through the season of darkness, together. Pranayama exercises to open our heart, third eye, and energy lines. Kriays to align our will to divine, universal wisdom. Gong relaxation and celestial meditation. Livestreamed: 1/19/25
The Book of Joy : 7 - Loneliness
We have forgotten, "We are the same human beings." Feeling disconnected, isolated, not seen, not heard or supported, lack of companionship. These are real feelings. We can feel joy when we are alone, but not when we're feeling lonely. Cultivating compassion, trust, connection, and self love. Livestreamed: 1/17/25
Hatha Yoga & Meditation
I showed up! We're gonna sit and meditate until I feel the urge to move into a restorative practice (being mindful of my back). But I am looking good! ;-) Livestreamed: 1/14/25
The Book of Joy : 6 - Anger, Sadness, Grief & Despair
Exploring the Obstacles to Joy. Being understanding and compassionate with our feelings. Anger and Fear are part of our instinctual Fight and Flight response system, sometimes there is real danger. Understanding our feelings are a reaction to our interpretation of reality. Admitting to our vulnerability. Livestreamed: 1/10/25
Hatha Yoga & Meditation
2025 in underway! Pull ourselves into the present moment. Mindfully place our attention, our most valuable resource. Cultivate our attention to counter our collective uncertainty. Livestreamed: 1/7/25
Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
Beginning the New Year with a Kriya for Beauty, Radiance, and Grace! Agni Sera Pranayama and Bhanda. Gong Relaxation and Tatva Siddhi Kriya Meditation. Exploring the locks and the great seal Maha Bhanda. Livestreamed: 1/5/25
The Book of Joy : 5 - Courage
Exploring the Obstacles to Joy; Developing Mental Immunity, learning to avoid destructive emotions, and Stress Resistance. Instead of frustration and anger develop compassion. Courage is the recognition of fear, acknowledging the possibility of failure, overcoming and transcending it, acting in alignment with our faith and love. "Just Like Me" Meditation. Livestreamed: 1/3/25
Hatha Yoga & Meditation
Welcome to the last day of 2024! How was 2024? Not bad. Looking objectively at how things are. Maybe I'm growing up a little bit? Intentions and goals to organize ourselves: love, compassion, leadership. Livestreamed: 12/31/24
Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
Ending the year on a good note. Gyan Mudra Kriya/Pranayama. Exercises For A Disease Free Body. Gong Relaxation and Releasing Childhood Anger. Livestreamed: 12/29/24