As we become increasingly aware of our global interdependence as a species, we can also deepen awareness of our spiritual interconnectedness. We cannot live in total isolation. The cross-cultural communion of awakened souls may be a key to co-creating a sustainable future and living in harmony with the earth. ~ Frances Vaughan It feels good to be in a community. Community, above all, is bigger than individuals. We are something much more than individuals when we are part of a community. And this is how things ought to be. ~ Tony Blackshaw Greetings! As we venture through our third winter of the pandemic my gratitude for my spiritual practices, yoga, meditation, and the people with whom I share them, on-line and in-person, deepens. Two weekends ago I attended my cousin’s daughter’s Bat mitzvah in Brooklyn. Beyond the joy and pleasure of watching my relative lead the congregation in the rituals of passage into Jewish adulthood, I thoroughly enjoyed just being in the Temple. Due to Omicron precautions this Saturday was the first in a month when people were allowed to congregate in-person. Even though I could not understand much of the service (I don’t know Hebrew) I could feel it. Mostly, I could sense how grateful everyone was to be there! How meaningful it was for us being there, praying, chanting, honoring, celebrating, giving thanks, together. I recently learned the origin of the word religion. It means, to reconnect. Connecting genuinely to ourselves, to each other, and to our sense of the Divine is such a wonderful gift, and so necessary as we journey through uncertain and challenging times. Much love, peace, and blessings to you. Always, Greg